A few photos to share
Following on from my email update (if you're not subscribed and want to be, pls drop me a line), here's a few photos to share with you from church and college so far this year.

My translation group. We meet for an hour each Wednesday to translate a portion of Mark's gospel. Its slow going as it takes us nearly an hour to get through 3 verses!

My prayer group made up of Dan (3rd year, far left), and Ben (2nd yr in the middle). We meet each Monday.

We have chapel three times a week. This particular one is more of a traditional style where we sing hymns and use a prayer book.

An excerpt from the Greek NT. Languages have so far taken up a lot of my time but also been a joy learning as I've been able to unlock more of the treasures of God's word

This is an excerpt from the Hebrew Bible. The only words from the above text I can read so far is "King of Judah"

Fellow 1st years from college (we meet each week in small groups of other 1st years to catch up, share and pray for one another). I'm really thankful for these guys - we get along really well and have some great laughs getting to know each other. As you can see we're also a very "Asian" group and have introduced yum cha and steamboat socials!

Some of the regulars from my new Bible study group at Bossley Park. As you can tell, I'm the youngest which is a different experience to my previous bible study groups!!!