2 Corinthians 4:7 says: "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." This is a great reminder that as I spend my time doing pre-college training (PCT) with my church, that I am like a polystyrene cup (modern day equivalent of a jar of clay - weak, fragile), but God and his gospel is the one that is the treasure. Its also coincidental that imprinting my teeth marks onto a polystyrene cup is an enjoyable pastime of mine.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

watermelon out of your nostril.......

this was how childbirth was recently described to us.....

WOW.......i'm trying to picture it and its scary.........but we're still excited nonetheless. We're at the half way point!

I know I'm overdue for a post but here's one in anticipation of one coming later with photos etc.

Chapel today - heard about the EASE.....that's right EASE......in which God created this world of his in this Psalm

God is our great provider..........he provides even for the person who is right in the middle of the earthquake that hit China or the child who's helpless waiting for aid after the cyclone in Burma.

Also had some interesting discussion in our biblical theology lecture about the fact that we ought not to separate the Trinity on the cross.....the Son, Spirit and Father all suffer and are forsaken.

And also, hell is not separation from God..........its actually much worse than that. Comment and let me know your thoughts but in the meantime, you can try here for starters


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