2 Corinthians 4:7 says: "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." This is a great reminder that as I spend my time doing pre-college training (PCT) with my church, that I am like a polystyrene cup (modern day equivalent of a jar of clay - weak, fragile), but God and his gospel is the one that is the treasure. Its also coincidental that imprinting my teeth marks onto a polystyrene cup is an enjoyable pastime of mine.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Latest news

Hey guys

Just letting you know that I'm back on the blog. Something called Facebook interrupted for a while which probably means that blogs are on their way out (had to happen sooner of later didn't it)

Anyway, for what its worth and in case you've clicked on the link from the bottom of one of my emails, here's what's the latest news:

  • About a month ago, Teresa and I were really thankful for the opportunity we had to visit Turkey and Greece. We had an amazing, relaxing, fun-filled 4 weeks meeting people (locals, people in our tour group through Turkey, and some old friends - ie. the Yeos). On top of that we're really thankful to our parents who basically made the whole trip possible thanks to their generosity. Still working through the photos (that's what happens when you have a digital camera).
Some of the highlights included:
- Gallipoli
- the diversity of Istanbul - hip and trendy on one side, conservative and head coverings on another
- a quad bike tour through the amazing landscape of Cappadocia
- visiting Ephesus and Athens (the Areopagus)
- soaking up 4 breath-taking Santorini sunsets
- tandem paragliding over Oludeniz Beach from 1,900 metres!

One of the things I was reminded of whilst on the trip was how certain our hope is as Christians. In the course of speaking with people on our tour group, as they opened up and shared their lives (maybe people are more inclined to do this when they travel?), Tree and I discovered that these guys are looking, searching for something.

Thankfully we were able to share about the hope that we have. The coherent world view and perspective we have on life. But for these guys, I pray that they'll come to see that Jesus is the one who brings them hope and certainty.

In the process of giving us a bit of a run down of Islam, our tour leader (who happened to be an Aussie! Go figure), mentioned that for some of these guys being a muslim is a total way of life. It challenged Tree and I into thinking how much of our trust in Jesus affects our entire life and is it noticeable to others. Or are we just like others with a bit of Christianity tacked on the side.

Also - reading Islam in our backyard whilst in Turkey was great. Its a book i highly recommend - not just for the purpose of knowing what muslims believe, but rather getting a handle on things like church and state, religion vs secularism

Now that we're back in Sydney, here's some other things that have been happening:

  • I've been accepted to study here next year! Thank God for providing an opportunity to do so and please pray for us as we make the transition to college life that we'd be growing deeper in our trust despite the changes (which may include church and home).
  • Maitland Alive continues to keep moving along. The Saturday I came back we had our first training day where we discovered that we had more than enough people to serve on team. In fact, its gotten to the point that we've asked people to consider serving on another mission that might need more people. What a luxury that is!
  • Alongside the mission prep, God's also taught me that he's got things in control. I've been rebuked about how his grace is sufficient and that in my weakness, his power is made perfect. Its been great coming before God in prayer - pleading and genuinely casting everything to him and seeing him work.
  • Last Sunday, I preached at bilingual service on 2 Peter 1:12 and Ch 2 about false teachers. It was pretty scary to think about the nature and future of false teaching.
  • wellbeing has hit a bit of a slow period. We've had some difficulty getting our trainers in. Would be great if you could pray that as we start to enter warmer weather that we'd be able to attract newcomers. Having said that, I'm meeting with one guy to do Just For Starters which has been a highlight of the week
  • I've also done some more thinking about the role that parachurch organisations play and how they can relate to the church


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