2 Corinthians 4:7 says: "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." This is a great reminder that as I spend my time doing pre-college training (PCT) with my church, that I am like a polystyrene cup (modern day equivalent of a jar of clay - weak, fragile), but God and his gospel is the one that is the treasure. Its also coincidental that imprinting my teeth marks onto a polystyrene cup is an enjoyable pastime of mine.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What's ahead

After a few weeks of quiet, I suddenly have found myself in the middle of some hectic times and things that I really need to knuckle down and spend doing. It unfortunately means that I've got some long periods behind the desk rather than meeting people ahead of me.

Here's a couple of pictures of my dining table as I go about preparing my Judges talks.

Last Sunday, I preached on Jephthah from Judges (you can listen to it here!) - a guy who tries to bargain with God by using his mouth. Ultimately leads to him making a vow to the LORD which sees him sacrificing his daughter. It really challenged me with my words before God and whether they mirror the conviction of my own heart

This week, its Samson - so far, I've discovered that he's a guy with an extrordinary birth (he's declared a judge before he's even born) and death (he achieves more thru killing the Philistines with him in his death than when he was alive).

Other things that lie ahead which I'd appreciate your prayer for include:

- Leading service on 30 July
- Making further progress on the new well-being ministry with ECOM
- Maitland Alive Training Day 2
- English Houseparty planning meeting
- Brisbane Leadership Training (leading a workshop on 'Demystifying Worship' with Teresa
- Preaching on the parable of the rich fool from Luke

And then, there's a holiday as I spend a week with Teresa after Brisbane Leadership Training on a road trip making our way from Noosa to Byron Bay.......I'm really looking forward to it!!


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