2 Corinthians 4:7 says: "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." This is a great reminder that as I spend my time doing pre-college training (PCT) with my church, that I am like a polystyrene cup (modern day equivalent of a jar of clay - weak, fragile), but God and his gospel is the one that is the treasure. Its also coincidental that imprinting my teeth marks onto a polystyrene cup is an enjoyable pastime of mine.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Strange coincidence

Over the last 48 hrs, I've asked two non-Christians over the course of a conversation "What's stopping you from becoming a Christian"

Funnily enough, both of them said something along the lines of:"I need more time to investigate it more. To understand it better.....I think I want to read the entire Bible first before I make a decision so that I know what I'm making a commitment about."

Both times I've heard this I've been amazed.....read the Bible cover to cover??!!

I must admit, I've never heard anyone testify that they read the entire Bible first before becoming a Christian, but maybe that is how God is working in the hearts of these two guys.

Maybe its also a sign of the way people choose to make decisions these days....cautiously, with a healthy degree of scepticism....after all, you don't sign on the dotted line of a contract to buy a car, or a house without dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's first and reading it from start to finish. Maybe this is the equivalent format of someone deciding to becoming a Christian.

In response to hearing their answer, I re-iterated that you don’t have to read the whole bible first to become a Christian because Christianity ultimately depends on your answer to who Jesus is. Once you have understood why he needed to die and the reason why he rose again, that’s all you need.

But at the same time there is the need to heed the warning of judgment and your own frailty. Jesus may return before you make your decision and if you haven't asked for forgiveness and repented then you might be found on the wrong side of his judgment. Or you simply don't know how long you have left to live....you're life might continue for another 50, 60 more years, it could last another 50, 60 more minutes?

Having said all that, I'm learning to be patient, to trust in God's sovereignty and timing, to keep praying that the Spirit would turn their hearts from stone to flesh. It's a humbling experience for me as I learn that people won't just automatically become Christians as soon as they hear the gospel (though i don't doubt that they can't) - to not be frustrated at a lack of response is a valubale lesson to learn in ministry. After all, its not me and my 'wise' words that will convince people. Instead, it's up to God to water the seed that has been planted (1 Cor 3:6-9)

Anyone else want to make a suggestion/comment? Anyone else heard something similar? Post away!


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